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See For Yourself

Before + After

Alex prior to training with Tycho. He appears out of shape.
Alex T.
Inner Core Gainz Client
Kyle prior to training with Tycho. He appears out of shape.
Kyle H.
Inner Core Gainz Client
Brian prior to training with Tycho. He appears out of shape.
Brian D.
Inner Core Gainz Client


Been working with Tycho for the past 10 months. He's an awesome coach and very holistic in his approach. My goal was to become more tone, lose body fat, and improve my road biking stamina. I started at 18% body fat and am now down to 10%. My biking performance has also improved a lot.

I love Tycho's technique. He's tough but makes working out fun and sustainable. I feel like I get a great workout without wanting to vomit after every session. We rotate through 4 sessions in a 6 week program and everything is measured to ensure improvement. Tycho is constantly taking classes himself to keep his technique fresh and up to date. He has also been very helpful outside of the gym. He helped me plan a few meals to supplement my workout goals and gives me a schedule of a few extra curricular activities to manage stress. On a few occasions I went on vacation and knew I wouldn't have easy access to a gym so he created a body weight workout program that I could do from my hotel room so that I wouldn't go for too long without working out.

Overall I'm pretty happy with my decision to train with Tycho. You will be too!

—Alex T.

I have been training with Tycho for roughly 10 weeks now and I can attest to his skill as a trainer as I have seen fantastic results during this time. My life is just overall better and happier than when I started. I was initially just looking to get in better shape and learn some new exercises but it has gone beyond just that as he incorporates a holistic approach to what he does. Along with loosing fat and gaining lean muscle I have more a lot more energy, my confidence is boosted, my sleep is better, my performance at work is better, my relationships are healthier and I have less general anxiety. Our work together is transforming my life and I am excited about what is to come. He is genuinely interested in helping me reach my goals. I can tell that he gets excited when he sees results and that makes it easier to keep working hard.

He listens to your goals and creates a plan tailored for you. This isn't just something printed out from some bodybuilding website like other trainers would do. He looks at your measurements and figures out exactly what you need to do. He has worked with me and creates detailed plans where I can track my results; I have access to all the information! Many trainers do not let you see the plan itself, but he does and he helps me with workouts that I do on my own. He is easy to get ahold of and is very reliable in terms of answering questions promptly. He is easy to talk to and I never feel intimidated or uncomfortable around him like I have with other trainers in the past.

My results so far in just 10 weeks: body fat percentage is down to 18% from 22.9%, in the last 4 weeks alone I gained 5.5lbs of muscle. My core is engaged now, I am less fatigued and the amount of weight and reps I can do goes up after each session.

I leave each session happier than before and ready to take on the day, the next workout, and the next goal. I will achieve my goals through my work with Tycho and I cannot recommend him enough!

—Kyle H.

I can't speak highly enough about my experience with Tycho. Over the past two years, Tycho has been an absolute game-changer for me until alas unfortunately fate happened and he moved away.

When I first started working with Tycho, my primary objectives centered around feeling younger and having the energy to keep up with my toddler-aged children. Tycho, not just a personal trainer but also a remarkable health coach, understood these aspirations from the onset. His tailored fitness routines were not just about building strength but about fostering a holistic sense of wellness. Tycho's expertise as both a fitness and wellness coach became evident as he created unique exercises that not only transformed my physique as my body fat has declined 16 percentage points, but I also have meaningfully rejuvenated energy levels.

Above and beyond, Tycho has proven to be an incredible person and confidant. His genuine care for his clients extends beyond the gym, creating an environment where one feels comfortable sharing personal challenges and triumphs. His unique balance of professionalism and personal connection sets Tycho apart as more than just a personal trainer - he's a true partner in a journey to better health. I highly recommend Tycho to anyone seeking not only a personal trainer but a health, fitness, and wellness coach.

You would be incredibly lucky for the chance to work with him--he changed my life.

—Brian D.

Tycho is a one of a kind trainer and will transform not just your body, but also your mind and your life. During one of my Mental Clearing sessions with Tycho, he was able to pinpoint a blockage that had been plaguing me and my relationships for years. Following the session I found a monumental change in my mindset that continues to benefit my life several months later. The combination of training the mind and body all in one offering is truly unique. Most importantly, Tycho walks the walk and shows up every day with a deeply loving presence and commitment to his clients that I have never seen before. Can't recommend the guy enough, if you're looking for a sign to move forward, this is it.

—Eric G.

I'll keep this short and sweet. I met my trainer Tycho almost 12 years ago when he was starting out at the YMCA and I have followed him along his various transitions in his career, and I followed him when he moved to Equinox and then to Diakadi, a hyper local super high end private gym several years ago. Well, like most people, I've had my ups and downs during my fitness journey. My successes can definitely be attributed to Tycho.

Recently I started to take my health a little more seriously and thanks to the constant support and training from Tycho in the last six months working with him, I lost 21.2 pounds and decreased my body fat by 13.7%!

And even more impressive, in an even more efficient time of just 1.5 months, he decreased my body fat by 7.9% and my weight by 8.6 pounds!

Not bad at all for a 47-year-old post menopausal female!

Tycho moved away from San Francisco and I was scared that I'd lose all of the gains that I had made with him. But he had helped me stay consistent in my health journey and I haven't faltered too much from the path he set me on and I've managed to lose still another 10 pounds on my own thanks to everything I learned from working with him and the habits he helped me build. I don't work with a trainer now mostly because I haven't met anyone that can hold a candle to Tycho. He's unstoppable, gracious, kind, wise and his vibe is just contagious. Anyone can teach you how to do a squat. Not everyone can inspire you to want to do that squat and do it better each time. Tycho can and will not just improve your physical performance, but will change your outlook on life to the best it can be.

Whether you're just trying to set personal records for your fitness or just need to lose a few pounds and set up the rest of your fitness journey for success I highly recommend Tycho! When it comes to your personal health and fitness, don't settle for less than you deserve! Invest the time and money in yourself. You will not be disappointed. YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE! And you will thank me later!

—Luba M.

Working with Tycho, a personal trainer in San Francisco, has been a life-changing experience for me. As a holistic wellness coach, Tycho possesses a unique blend of knowledge and empathy that makes every session both challenging and enjoyable. His approach as a health coach goes beyond just physical fitness; he's also guided me toward better nutritional and lifestyle choices. As a fitness coach, Tycho's expertise and motivational skills have helped me achieve goals I never thought possible. In just 9 months I've increased my chest and bicep size significantly, while my body fat has decreased by 7.8%, amounting to a total body fat loss of 8.3%. Under Tycho's guidance, my squat strength has skyrocketed by 75%, going from 105 lb. to an impressive 185 lb. His personalized training plans, attention to detail, and genuine care for his clients set him apart. I highly recommend Tycho to anyone looking to transform their health and well-being.

—Vshal W.

Making the decision to train with Tycho one year ago is one of the best decisions I've ever made in life. Tycho introduced me to the world of nutrition and sustainable fitness. I went from 17% body fat to 11% in 2 months. From never working out once in my life to a routine of working out 3-4 times a week. I live with more discipline, eat better, sleep better, and am just generally more happy in life.

Tycho will make you do it all the hard way. There is no cheating. Everything is all natural. No protein shakes. No heavy weights until the basics are locked down. Form form form. It is so much harder and so much more awesome. The accomplishment is all yours and you learn to respect the hard work that you put into it. It's taught me to achieve more discipline across all aspects of my life. I love it.

—Willie Y.

I have been working with Tycho for 2 months now and it's been a great experience.

1/ Holistic approach. I've worked with trainers at gym chains, including higher end ones, and even in the best case I was only ever subjected to a summary physical evaluation. Maybe a couple questions about my goals but I doubt if they were ever written down, much less followed up on. Tycho takes a very different approach - the first session was a behavioral interview of sorts, and the second one was about measuring my body and starting points. We talk about physical fitness, but also about diet, meditation, and physiological attributes of my body and person. He's good about following up too, asking me regularly what I'm eating, if I've been stretching and meditating, etc. He will ask about your stress and sleep but not in an intrusive way.

2/ Great exercise routines in the gym. Its not your standard five sets of shoulder exercises stacking more weight every time (though Tycho can and will do that and will push you, adding weight and reps carefully but methodically). It's multiple integrated programs that we rotate through depending on what other exercise I've done / have planned for the week. And they make me feel like I want to push and pull more, I walk out wanting to do more every time.

3/ Objective, measurable results. Tycho measures everything and definitely subscribes to the "inspect what you expect" approach to life. We have a GDoc record of every exercise I've ever done, what day it was, how long it took, how much weight and how many reps. Same is true for weight, body fat, what other exercise I did on what day every week outside the gym. Data nerd? You'll love it. Not a data nerd? You'll still love it.

4/ Friendly and personable. I like going to my sessions. It's hard work but I want the work, and Tycho makes me excited to be there. He's got a smile on his face at all times, he is positive and will motivate you and push you, but without being aggressive. The gym he works out of seems to have a similar ethos - the other trainers are all friendly enough with each other, but they are there to work with their clients. It doesn't feel as meaty / aggressive as other gyms, and Tycho always comes bounding around the corner with his iPad and a sweat on (because he just lifted 375lb 25 times or something) and a smile and a fist bump and get you right into your first exercise.

After two months I feel better, stronger, more explosive in my other sports. I haven't dropped any significant weight (that was not a goal, I don't have much to drop) but I've dropped my body fat by 2.4%, from 12.9% to 10.5%! Now I'm not sure I completely trust the body fat machine they have but even if it's directionally correct it's a good result in a short amount of time.

—Frederic K.

If you want better posture, movement in space, and overall body alignment and health turn to no other than Tycho. I've working with Tycho for a few years now and I've never felt better. I went from slightly hunched over with a forward head to completely standing tall.

Tycho incorporates body measurement into his workout routines with a focus on making meaningful adjustments over time. Every 6-8 weeks we retake measurements to evaluate the success and plan for the next routine.

Tycho also pushes you to exceed and cares about your progress and your form. He is fun to be around and keeps you motivated.

What sets Tycho apart is constant focus on you and his attention to your form. When I am in the gym I see other trainers working with clients. These clients often have terrible form and I notice that their trainer is allowing it / not even noticing. If my form ever fails, Tycho immediately alerts me and we adjust.

I would highly recommend Tycho if you are looking for a motivating trainer.

—Ben R.

Tycho is a wonderful personal trainer. He helped me get in shape for my wedding and worked with me on my posture, fitness, food habits and my general well being. He is so great at tailoring your workout and nutrition to fit your needs and your lifestyle and keeps a detailed account of your progress and workout regimen. He is attentive and energetic and it is a pleasure to learn from him.

—Veronica K.

Peter training with Tycho

Tycho's coaching style always entices me to do more weight and more reps. He has a very focused tone and clear objectives. I find myself not even thinking just going to the next exercise, I just go ahead of him without any prodding. That comes from the strength he has that enables me to have such trust and confidence, that I just go knowing we are executing his plan.

It's faith, faith in Tycho having faith in me, even when I don't have faith in me. There is a difference between performing from admiration, intimidation or fear and performing based upon an absolute belief that you and your coach are aligned and have a mutual focus and respect for goals and success.

Whether the success obtained is actually, or an unintended benefit against a team of two focused on a goal, aligned in purpose and achieving daily success I can't determine. I never hate it, I never want to give up, I never need compliments, nor feel like I have to perform, I just do.

I'm unconsciously inspired resulting in purposeful performance. I feel like a team and I don't want to let down my partner, don't want to not carry my weight, don't want to lose the respect and momentum of a team with an objective.

There are lots of trainers in gyms. There are few professional coaches. A coach deals with the whole person, physical, mental, nutritional. You feel the difference immediately. In professional sports the Coach runs the show, when you would with Tycho, you are the show.

—Peter M.

Jon training with Tycho

I've been training with Tycho for 5 months now and I can say that it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

Originally I sought out personal training for aesthetic goals. However, what I've gained so far has been much more than that. Tycho has a holistic approach in coaching and has not only helped me hit my aesthetic goals, but has also helped me feel more confident in my body, become the strongest and most flexible I've ever been in my life, changed my relationship with food, and has also helped me be mentally strong as well. He's a wonderful coach with a great perspective on life and he passes that onto you during your tough workout sessions.

All in all I would highly recommend getting personal training with Tycho, especially if you are like me and knew your way around a gym but always felt like there was just something missing to get you to that next level. Tycho will help get you to that next level and then some.

—Jon T.

Bill training with Tycho

Tycho is a meticulous and dedicated trainer. He challenges you to do more than you thought you could, but never forgets to note your progress. He encourages, cajoles, listens, adapts. When you are his client, for that 1 hour, he is all about you.

As a person, he is also incredibly kind and has a zany sense of humor. He is fun to spend time with, which makes those hard sessions much more fun.

I view Tycho as a partner, someone I trust on a path to a better body and better health.

—Bill W.

Alexandra training with Tycho

Since I started seeing Tycho a few months ago it's wild how I've noticed changes I didn't expect - walking down the street and seeing my posture in windows I can see how much I've improved in just a short time! My digestion is better, my sleep is better, and I'm strong than I've ever been before. So excited to keep seeing Tycho and continue to make gains I never knew were possible!

—Alexandra L.

Tycho was my trainer for many years. He helped me lose weight, build muscle, and work through some tough injuries. He's constantly updating the workout routines to match any new goals and developments and keeps in touch outside of the gym to make sure everything is going well. He'll also build you a full schedule that includes things to work on without him (including stretches and relaxation/meditation work). I ended up having to move out of SF but he still keeps in touch to make sure I'm keeping up with my workouts. Awesome guy and the best trainer!

—Lorenzo P.

Tycho is an incredible trainer. I started training with him in September having barely worked out in my life. My posture was terrible, my knees and shoulders hurt, and I felt completely out of shape.Tycho addressed each of my problems directly and thoroughly, and in just a few weeks I started noticing huge improvements. And after those basic problems were fixed, we started working on some of my other goals, like snowboarding efficiency and gaining muscle. Now I feel significantly healthier and stronger. He made all the workouts fun and extremely challenging, and even though I was dead tired at the end of each one, I couldn't wait until the next session.Tycho will work with you to improve all aspects of your life, from fitness to diet to your personal relationships and how you look at the world.

—Scott C.

Tycho is the whole package as a personal trainer! He helped me improve my mental, physical, and even spiritual health. He meticulously spent time examining my body type and what would work best for me. Tycho helps draft a meal plan and weekly stretches and workout plan.

Tycho was always excited and paid attention to my workouts. He uses Olympic styled training rather than standard boring exercise methods.

Highly recommend Tycho! 10/10

—Saumon E.

I've been training with Tycho for about nine months and am so glad I started! He has been thoughtful, methodical, and encouraging, and it's shown in my progress. It's great to do reassessments and see how far I've come. Tycho is a fantastic trainer, I would recommend him to anyone.

—Elizabeth L.

Tycho is a motivational, knowledgeable and inspiring trainer. I trained with Tycho for about five years - always progressing and feeling the positive effects following the efforts. Highly recommend Tycho!

—David W.

I have been with Tycho for over one year now and could not be more delighted. He has been consistently supportive and affirming, while always asking me to push myself just the right amount further than I think I'm willing to go to keep me moving towards my goals. And it's working, too, with results I can feel in my heart as well as see in the mirror. With Tycho, I finally and for the first time believe my goals are within my reach.

—Tom V.

I've been with Tycho for two years and our sessions are always a highlight of my week. He's meticulous about every aspect of the workout -- while still being a chill hang.

Never been stronger than my time with Tycho!

—Ryan O.